Cancel Membership

If you cancel your Membership you'll no longer have access to these great features.

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Stay Up-to-Date with Your Credit

Your credit report can change throughout the year. FreeScoresAndMore helps keep you informed by providing you with your credit report(s) and score(s) every 30 days. You also have access to a team of credit experts who can help you understand everything in your credit report(s) and what it all means.

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Be Alerted of Changes to Your Credit Report(s)

FreeScoresAndMore monitors your credit report(s) for certain important changes every day. If someone reviews your credit file(s) or opens a new account in your name, you'll know about it and be given the assistance needed to help maintain your security.

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Get Expert Fraud Support and Insurance Coverage

Should your identity become compromised, you're covered for eligible expenses associated with re-securing your identity. In addition, expert caseworkers will work with you each step of the way in restoring your good name.

Are you sure you want to cancel your membership?

This will result in loss of the essential credit and identity protection tools and services.

Proceed To Your Benefits Confirm cancellation

Before terminating your coverage, we recommend that you call one of our specialists at 1-877-787-9002 to discuss your options.